On March 13 the training in the region of the project “Sanarip Insan” continued in the village Bokonbaev.
Bokonbaev village is the center of ecological tourism in Kyrgyzstan. Every year it receives hundreds of tourists from different countries of the world. One of the villages with a strong strategic potential of agro-industrial direction. For example, in this village, currant and apricot festivals are held annually in August, which have already become traditional. Farmers can sell their products at the festival, and it is also a good opportunity for fruit and berry processors to present their products on the market. After the residents of this village take part in the training on e-commerce of the Sanarip Insan project, they can sell their goods/ services not only in Kyrgyzstan, but also abroad with the help of an online store.
Training to improve the digital skills of the population in rural areas, this time is held on the topic “Electronic commerce”. In particular, the training participants learn in practice to take photos and videos (mobilography) of their products or services provided, edit, create a text description for them (copywriting) and place them on various electronic platforms.
More than 30 women and young people participated in the training in Bokonbaev village. During the training, the participants took pictures of their products in practice and posted photos on the Internet for presentation to their customers.They also received certificates for improving their knowledge in “Electronic commerce”.
We would like to thank the Municipal Youth Center “Ordo” at the mayor’s office of the city of Balykchy for their help in organizing trainings for the project “Sanarip Insan”, as well as the mayor’s office and the Center “Citizen and Digital Education” at the CEC of the city of Balykchy for informational support.
The “Sanarip Insan” project is being implemented by the European Neighborhood and Unification Council, the “Internet Society Kyrgyz Chapter”, with the financial support of the European Union.