On vacation or on a business trip, travelers are increasingly turning to digital tourism. We have been booking online tours for a long time, booking
Online webinar: “Digital tourism” Date: September 30 Time: 16:00 Join Zoom at the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82618182643?pwd=dEtJU0JabStkRURCODh3R1NDV1JPdz09 Youtube: https://youtu.be/zVZ5EVlv8xg Facebook: https://fb.me/e/1JkV1QnD1 On vacation or on a
Science and innovation reflect the people who do it. The world needs science and innovation, and science and innovation needs women and girls. Today, only
Online webinar: “Opportunities for girls in science and innovation” Date: September 22 Time: 16:00 Join Zoom at the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81407155336?pwd=Yi9QK2NpdHhvNmw3ZCtGR1N5M0JXUT09 On-line translation: Youtube: https://youtu.be/UcjoEHUPzpQ
At first, selling ads can be a bit difficult, and a number of questions arise. To simplify the process, we have prepared a publication that
Mastering the basics of financial literacy will allow you to set realistic goals and confidently take steps to achieve them. In order to simply keep
In the information technology era, it is important to have certain digital skills, as they can help you succeed in your career, increase critical thinking,
We will share with you the report on the gender gap of mobile devices released by the DEDIS Association in 2022. The recent pandemic has
The right visual content will help you achieve the following goal: – It is easy to explain complex concepts. – The human brain processes visual
We have prepared an interview with ecoblogger, media expert of Internews Network Ismail Karypov. Scroll to the left to read the conversation.
Today, professions and professional competencies are changing very rapidly. The principle of ”lifelong learning” has become a more pressing issue than ever before. If earlier
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