Talas region is the smallest region of the country in terms of area and population, occupying only 6% of its territory with a permanent population of 267.4 thousand people. In addition to the mountains, the Talas region has many cultural attractions. This is a historical region of secluded Kyrgyz residence. The memory of the national hero Manas is kept here, in the vast historical complex “Manas Ordo”. There are also ancient burial sites of the Huns, the largest in Central Asia. And the Kirov reservoir, built in Soviet times, is a unique example of architectural monumentalism of those times. The local population has good opportunities for employment or even for creating new jobs without leaving their country, by means of digital literacy and the proper use of digital skills in entrepreneurship.
On December 10-11, a training for young people and women “Basic digital skills and work on digital tourism platforms” was held in the village of Kyzyl-Adyr, Kara-Buura district. Participants from different districts of the Talas region signed up for the training, the project is aimed at increasing the employment potential of rural youth, women and migrants. In training mentors use an adapted MISTT methodology. The MISTT (Mobile Internet Skills Trainings Toolkit) methodology is a toolkit for teaching people basic mobile internet skills. Participants receive basic digital skills and learn how to use social networks such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Google My Business, and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram to develop their businesses. The project is aimed at increasing the employment potential of rural youth, women and migrants. This event is organized with the financial support of the European Union of the Sanarip Insan project “Promoting Equal Economic Opportunities and Resilience of Youth”. It is implemented by the Foundation of the Development of Entrepreneurship among Women “She starts”.The “Sanarip Insan” project is being implemented by the European Neighborhood and Unification Council, Internet Society Kyrgyz Chapter, with the financial support of the European Union.Following the results of the two-day training the participants were awarded certificates. Some local media “Talas TV” supported us and they made videos about our training.
On December 10-11, a training for young people and women “Basic digital skills and work on digital tourism platforms” was held in the village of Kyzyl-Adyr, Kara-Buura district.
Participants from different districts of the Talas region signed up for the training, the project is aimed at increasing the employment potential of rural youth, women and migrants.
In trainings mentors use an adapted MISTT methodology. The MISTT (Mobile Internet Skills Trainings Toolkit) methodology is a toolkit for teaching people basic mobile internet skills.
Participants receive basic digital skills and learn how to use social networks such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Google My Business, and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram to develop their businesses.
The project is aimed at increasing the employment potential of rural youth, women and migrants.
This event is organized with the financial support of the European Union of the “Sanarip Insan” project “Promoting Equal Economic Opportunities and Resilience of Youth”. It is implemented Foundation of the Development of Enterpreneurship among Women “She starts”.
The “Sanarip Insan” project is being implemented by the European Neighborhood and Unification Council, the Internet Society Kyrgyz Chapter, with the financial support of the European Union.
Following the results of the two-day training the participants were awarded certificates. Some local media “Talas TV” supported us and they made videos about our training.