Services for creating visual content without a designer
The right visual content will help you achieve the following goal: – It is easy to explain complex concepts. –
The right visual content will help you achieve the following goal: – It is easy to explain complex concepts. –
We have prepared an interview with ecoblogger, media expert of Internews Network Ismail Karypov. Scroll to the left to read
Today, professions and professional competencies are changing very rapidly. The principle of ”lifelong learning” has become a more pressing issue
In the Internet age, the traditional principles of media literacy -coverage, analysis, evaluation, thinking, action, production – retain their importance.
Online webinar: “What is a startup?” Organizers: Kyrgyz Branch of the Internet Society and NGO “Center for Civic Initiatives “Leader”
In the era of advanced information technology, you can study in any field you are interested in without leaving home.
Basic digital competencies-the minimum required level of knowledge and skills in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in
Online webinar: “What is a startup?” Date: August 19 Time: 16:00 Join Zoom at the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81407155336?pwd=Yi9QK2NpdHhvNmw3ZCtGR1N5M0JXUT09 On-line translation:
Have you ever thought about the importance of information security? Can you recognize manipulation? Today, no one is immune from
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