Protecting and Supporting Children on the Internet
In honor of June 1, “International Children’s Day,” a large-scale online forum “Support and Protection of Children on the Internet” was held. It was organized
In honor of June 1, “International Children’s Day,” a large-scale online forum “Support and Protection of Children on the Internet” was held. It was organized
Online Forum: Online Children’s Day May 31, 2022, 14.00 Bishkek Zoom connection via the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85016137739 pwd=TUk2N1JXVkpyaU1kS0I1OWtTZzAwZz09 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1075849403339733/ Youtube: https://youtu.be/PoRp7jDcE1w On June 1,
In honor of “Europe Day” on May 9 and “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day” on May 17, the Kyrgyz Internet Society hosted a webinar
The Internet Society Kyrgyz Chapter Public Association is proud to announce that it has officially joined the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Partner2Connect Program. As part
To celebrate the Europe Day (9 May) and the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (17 May), the Kyrgyz Internet Society will host a webinar
On April 28, in honor of the International Day of “Girls in Information and Communication Technologies”, the organization “Women in Digital Transformation”, “Initiatives of R.
Opportunities for girls in ICT education and careers in Central Asia: informal online discussion in honor of International Girls in ICT Day April 28, 2022,
Салам, достор!Өткөн бейшембиде “Санарип Инсан” долбоорунун тушоо кесүүсү өттү. Долбоордун бет ачарында мамлекеттик жана жеке секторлор катышып, ой пикирлери менен бөлүшүштү. Биз бардык катышкан өнөктөштөргө
On 31 March 2022, a forum on “Promoting Equal Economic Opportunities and Resilience of Youth” was held at the Park Hotel Conference Hall, where the
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