The First school we visited was school №10. Manas (Balykchy) in which 895 children are trained. The school is connected to the Internet, however, it is only the Director’s office, in connection with which this educational institution was included into the list of schools to install electronic library ilimBox.
The Administration warmly welcomed our team and gathered all the high school students in the auditorium. The number of children numbered more than 120 people.
During the presentation it became obvious that it becomes difficult to keep the attention of children of grades 5-6, in connection with which we decided to leave active children and show them the principle of operation of the device in order for them to share their knowledge with their peers,” – said the representative of the ISOC team Begaim bekbolotova.
Re-presentation of the project was done in another room for high school students interested in teaching their peers. They actively asked questions and practiced through their smartphones.
The Director of the school – Venera Jusuenvasad: “This project will help our school to solve the issue with the textbooks”. Interest to our project was shown not only by teachers and students, but also by parents who came for children of younger classes, who with great curiosity asked about the possibility of purchasing a device home.