Contest – Community Networks

In recent years ISOC Kyrgyzstan Chapter is working to bring internet connection for unconnected and left behind settlements in Kyrgyz republic. Suusamyr NET in Chui and Zardaly village in Batken oblast projects are the succesful examples. We are announcing a contest for simmilar villages and settlement to connect to the internet. To participate in the contest applicants are requiered to provide information bellow in the form of text or video: 

  • Location of the village on the map
  • Population of the vilalge
  • Tell us about the local school and the children who study there
  • How internet can emprove your live?
  • What assistance we can expect from local population? ( volunteer help, financial or other)
  • Explain the circumstances in which people live there

Applications are welcome at the following addresses

Talk with Zardaly villagers