Installation works on Adygene lake pilot location completed

The construction team had built masts, photovoltaics on established locations on Adygene lake.

A month ago, the joint research team had visited high glacier mountain lake, collected initial data. The desk analysis of the data showed that there are some spots that could be feasible for establishing connection between lora-enabled devices and nearest cellular tower located in a distance of about 25 and 40km from the lake in Chuy valley.

Considering that pilot location is located in high altitudes, where harsh winter conditions and regularly windy, the team built design of construction masts and tower.

The construction team prepared all ready-to-built parts and materials, carried all materials on foot to the base and finished construction of tower and solar panel for the communication device as well as towers for environment monitoring internet of things.

We expect to setup and connect it on September, 2023.