Teachers from Issyk-Kul oblast selected to participate in the ilimbox training course creation subproject

The ilimbox team launches a sub-project for filling with content, the purpose of the sub-project is to fill the educational platform ilimbox with educational materials in the Kyrgyz language.

Within the framework of the project, the ilimbox team announced a competition for practicing teachers. Teachers need to develop methods for converting offline lessons to online formats. Developing reinforcement tests in accordance with established standards, enriching the learning content with additional educational resources and making proposals for improving access to educational materials.

The teachers were selected taking into account the following requirements:

Residents of the Issyk-Kul region, work experience of 7 or more years, has a personal computer and basic digital skills.

More than 90 applications were submitted to the registration form, of which the team selected 52, conducted interviews and received the following information.

11-12% of teachers were transferred to each subject and on average to each subject.


94% said they have a laptop or computer and can work with digital programs.

During distance learning, teachers often began to conduct online lessons on various platforms and we asked the teachers we interviewed about this because it is very important in online learning.

The teachers were asked the following question with some answers: “Have you ever taught an online lesson? What should be an online course? How did you do it (presentation, video, text) “

During the pandemic, teachers who spoke to us reported that 56% of lessons were conducted online with slides (presentations), 63% with finished videos and text, WhatsApp and email attachments, as seen in the following diagram.

However, there were few users who used and worked with other educational platforms and online communications.

Only 45% said they can use Google software, and 66% said they can only use email.

They answered that they often use Zoom and Google Meet for online communication, this is somewhere between 40-86%.

The ilimbox team plans to hold a digital literacy workshop, selecting 12 teachers and continue to work on filling out the content.

This subproject is implemented by the NGO “Kyrgyz Internet Society” with the financial support of CJSC “Kumtor Gold Company”

The Ilimbox Distance Learning Educational Platform for Schoolchildren project is funded by the Democratic Commission’s Small Grants Program of the US Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic 2020-2021.The Ilimbox project is funded by the Democratic Commission Small Grants Program of the US Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic.