In the third school of SS.B. Alakov (S. Kara-Taala) voiced the same problem – the lack of Internet access for students. In this school 514 pupils, more than 100 children of final classes study. Graduates admitted that they are experiencing difficulties in preparing for the national testing, as the library does not have sufficient material resources.
It should be noted that the use of the phone on school grounds is prohibited. Despite this, the director of school – S. S. Cookeev permission to students to use phones in the office computer where it was installed ilimBox with appropriate instruction in Kyrgyz and Russian languages.
Young teachers of the school attended the presentation with great interest connected the phones to the device IlimBox.
The high school students and teachers noted that they were pleasantly surprised by the innovation of the project, and were pleased to join the list of participants, with whom we undertake to periodically contact for information about the operation of the device and feedback on improving the content.

Young teachers of the school attended the presentation of ilimBox