The Second school №7 (Balykchy) was near the first twenty minutes. This school was not included in the list to install ilimBox, however, the Director of school №10 Manasa asked to go to the school next door, as they had similar problems with Internet access for students. It has 518 children. It should also be noted that it is located on the outskirts of the village, and therefore has problems with telephone communication.
The Director was very pleased with our visit and the presentation of the device that helps to access educational resources without an Internet connection, as it turned out that the school has access to the Internet only through a 3G modem in the office of the Director.
As the guys noticed, they now do not need to spend money in computer clubs to prepare an essay, report, etc.Since the language of instruction is Kyrgyz, the teachers liked the base of the electronic library in two languages.
For public access during school hours, IlimBox with visual instruction was established in the school’s library.