Биз LoRaWan тармагын жана сенсорлорду үзгүлтүксүз тейлөөнү камсыз кылабыз

The ISOC Kyrgyz Chapter team has been actively engaging in routine maintenance visits to our pilot locations. Since the initial installation of LoRa-enabled sensors, certain units have necessitated additional on-site attention to ensure optimal performance.

In some instances, ensuring the proper functioning of sensors called for tasks such as excavation from the soil, recalibration, and subsequent reburial. In other cases, the effective operation of sensors demanded the application of specific, albeit previously undocumented, installation techniques. Additionally, challenges arose in certain cases due to inconsistent sensor quality from specific vendors.

To address these complexities, interns from the Institute of Water Problems were actively involved in the process. Their participation served a dual purpose – to offer hands-on training and education and to facilitate the exchange of expertise with students.

As we continue to progress through the data collection stage of our research project, these maintenance efforts remain instrumental in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our LoRa-enabled sensors in diverse environmental conditions.