Нарын облусундагы эң алыс жайгашкан жана жетүүсү татаал болгон Кырчын айылы интернет менен камсыз кылынды
As part of the global Internet Society initiative to promote community internet networks, we are pleased to announce that wired
As part of the global Internet Society initiative to promote community internet networks, we are pleased to announce that wired
“Интернет Коомунун Кыргыз бөлүмү” байланышсыз калып калган айылдарды интернетке кошуу долбоору боюнча сонку бир нече жылдан бери иш алып барып
Chairman of the Kyrgyz Internet Society (ISOC) Talant Sultanov told how the pandemic affected digitalization in Kyrgyzstan during the round
The 2021 was a challenging year, especially for communities with no access to the Internet. When schools went to online
The 2021 was a challenging year, especially for communities with no access to the Internet. We at the Kyrgyz Internet
Researchers: Nurbek Arzymbaev, Talant Sultanov, Aiperi Bozoeva, Zhazgul Zuridinova The main objective of the study was to find out how
Residents of the village of Zardaly have been living without electricity for several decades. While for the whole of Kyrgyzstan
How did it all start? The ISOC team visited the most remote villages of our country. Every time we came
Good news! Our team has started work on bringing the Internet to Zardaly village! Now the first stage of our
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