Discussing LoRaWAN spectrum with regulatory authority

On November 22, 2022 the ISOC Kyrgyz Chapter Research Team had visited office of the State Telecommunications Regulatory Body and met representatives of the Spectrum allocation Monitoring Department.

ISOC team conducted introductory presentation about all activities of the chapter, its achievements and defined areas for cooperation with regulator to reach common goals in improving connectivity in the Kyrgyz Republic.

In particular, the research team made presentation about the project of using of the lorawan spectrum to monitor and predict natural disasters in country.

Kyrgyz Republic had reached good mobile connectivity in populated areas of the country. In some destinations there’s good connectivity in near populated areas that present such georisks as landslides, avalanches, mudflows.

Presently, in many of areas of potential natural disasters, authorities use geostationary satellite connectivity, gsm communication as well as old-fashioned manual observation tools. LoRaWAN had not yet been used for the given purposes so far.

The team explained the technology, learned about the regulatory environment and invited authority representatives to participate in upcoming forum to be held on December 7, 2022