17 Sep 2019 team ISOC went to Talas to install ilimBox devices in schools. The first 5 (five) secondary schools were selected in Talas district: school of Tuitunova (Taldy-Bulak), school of R. Aydaraliev (Kopuro Bazar), school of A. Borubaev (Kara-Oh), school of Zhumagul Alymkul (Sasyk-Bulak), school of G. Orozalieva (Kenesh).
Talas district is an administrative unit that occupies the East of Talas region, the administrative center is the village of Manas. This district was the largest in length in comparison with other districts of Talas region.

According to the reports of the Ministry of education and science, schools in Talas region are 100% covered by the global Internet, but on the ground, we saw a different picture. Despite the fact that there live active users who quickly respond to the new technical capabilities of mobile Internet, however, in all five schools of Talas district, it was revealed that children do not have access to the General Internet of the school. Moreover, in two schools of this area, in an office of administration use the mobile Internet, respectively, teachers are also compelled to prepare for occupations on books in library which as they admitted, catastrophically isn’t enough to children that are compelled to give one book on two and all academic year children divide it “in half”. Thus, there are three main reasons for choosing these schools: students do not have access to the Internet, there is a shortage of books and the number of students exceeds the permissible maximum.

The above situation motivated us to go there to present an interesting alternative to the Internet as a device – ilimBox. The project aims to address problems such as the lack of books and the lack of Internet in General education institutions. In these schools, it was conducted presentation of the project “ilimBox” and testing the device with students and teachers.

We explained that the digital library contains a Wikipedia in Kyrgyz, Russian and English, Khan Academy in English, thousands of video and audio lessons and e-books. The guys were surprised that the device allows you to access all educational resources without an Internet connection. The school administration gladly and gratefully accepted our gift, and left video reviews that are uploaded to the youtube channel ISOC.