Ilimbox devices installed in 20 schools without Internet
In October 2020, the ISOC team, within the framework of the European Union project “Promoting Inclusive Education in the Kyrgyz Republic”, installed Ilimbox devices in
Spring of Knowledge
The digital encyclopedia is a repository of electronic books, audio and video lectures in the Kyrgyz language.
Wikipedia – this page
contains encyclopedias
in Kyrgyz, Russian and
Khan Academy – You can
watch video lectures in
English or pass tests
Turn on Wi-Fi
Connect to ilimBox
Open a web-browser
and enter
Please don’t be alarmed if message: Without access to the Internet appears.
Everything is fine! ilimbox works without an internet connection.
In October 2020, the ISOC team, within the framework of the European Union project “Promoting Inclusive Education in the Kyrgyz Republic”, installed Ilimbox devices in
At the end of August, the “ilimBox” team, with the financial support of the European Union, installed 22 ilimBox devices in the border villages of
ISOC Kyrgyzstan Chapter team has begun work on the ilimBox 2.0 project! In this project, we are working on an online educational platform for teachers
ilimBox – this device allows you to access all educational resources without an Internet connection. Inside is a digital library that includes Wikipedia in Kyrgyz, Russian and English, Khan Academy in English, thousands of video and audio lessons and e-books. Moreover, it is worth noting that all data is stored in the device itself, and only the power supply and the box itself are needed for connection. The uniqueness of the innovative project is that students can access educational resources at school without an Internet connection. Access to Digital libraries is carried out through smartphones, tablets, computers and any other personal devices with Wi-Fi technology. The goals and objectives of the project “ilimBox” coincide with the five-year strategy of digital transformation “Digital Kyrgyzstan 2019-2023” and contribute to the achievement of target indicators for the component “development of the digital state” and “development of digital skills”. The project is funded by Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund 2018 (AEIF) as part of innovative solutions to global challenges and the Beyond the Net ISOC program. “ilimBox” previously had various names “Internet in a box”, “Bilim Bulagy”, “Spring of Knowledge”and is not related to the world Bank project “Bilim Bulagy”.
ilimBox – this device allows you to access all educational resources without an Internet connection. Inside is a digital library that includes Wikipedia in Kyrgyz, Russian and English, Khan Academy in English, thousands of video and audio lessons and e-books.
The project is implemented by the non-profit organization of the Internet community (ISOC), which is ready to provide the opportunity to purchase the device only for the cost of covering costs. It is worth noting that ISOC does not profit from the sale of this device.
You can buy the device for 11850 som, after making an order by number +996 755 330 335 (Zhazgul). Production time ilimBox-3 (three) days, depending on the availability of components.
Attention: Mini PC Orange Pi, we used before, was discontinued in the summer of 2020. Due to the replacement of the chip with the 4th generation of Raspberry pi, the price of components has increased.
School is a source of knowledge for every citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic. In educational institutions there are the most acute problems that remain unresolved due to the financial difficulties of the state budget, and subsequently it affects the quality of education.
The ilimBox project is aimed at solving the two most important problems, such as the lack of books and the lack of Internet in educational institutions.
It is worth noting that all data is stored in the device itself, and only the power supply and the box itself are needed for connection. The uniqueness of the innovative project is that students can access educational resources at school without an Internet connection.
Every year school graduates are happy to give their schools gifts such as carpets, safes, curtains, portraits, considering it a useful gift, however, we offer You to make a small but significant contribution to the education of the younger generation – to buy as a gift ilimBox, which has no expiration date, and does not require monthly payment.
Members of the ProKG Professional Club purchased eighteen (18) ilimBox devices and presented them to the schools where they studied.this is the most vivid example of an effective partnership between graduates and students, since using ilimBox every child learns about the person who gave a unique device and mentally thanks him for getting an “a” in class. Donor programs, for example, in the field of school education, digital skills or innovative teaching methods can acquire ilimBox to help students as well as teachers. Undoubtedly, this will be a great contribution to the future of children.
The project is implemented by the non-profit organization of the Internet community (ISOC), which is ready to provide the opportunity to purchase the device only for the cost of covering costs. It is worth noting that ISOC does not profit from the sale of this device.
You can buy the device for 11850 som, after making an order by number +996 755 330 335 (Zhazgul).
Also, for additional payment of overhead costs for the delivery of the device and professional instruction on the use of ilimBox for students, the ISOC team is ready to go to the desired school to present the device on your behalf. Production time ilimBox-3 (three) days, depending on the availability of components.
Attention: Mini PC Orange Pi, we used before, was discontinued in the summer of 2020. Due to the replacement of the chip with the 4th generation of Raspberry pi, the price of components has increased.
1. Purchase of components
Memory card. Requirements: format – MicroSD, memory – 16GB, class – 10;
HDD. Requirements: memory – 2TB;
Portable power supply for 5V / 3A;
Mini computer series mini PC Raspberry Pi 4B.
Radiator Raspberry Pi 4B
2. Burning the software image to MicroSD
Write the Raspberry Pi image to the microSD card using the image creation program (for example, you can use Win32 Disk Imager).
3. Content upload to Hard Disk
Use the program for servicing hard drives (for example, you can use Paragon Hard Disk Manager 15 Premium). Connect the components to each other and connect the device to the power supply.
The project is implemented by the non-profit organization of the Internet community (ISOC), which is ready to provide the opportunity to purchase the device only for the cost of covering costs. It is worth noting that ISOC does not profit from the sale of this device. The software and content for the ilimBox is not publicly available. Please contact us by calling the following number 996 779 880422 (Erzhigit) to get this data.
Attention: Mini PC Orange Pi, we used before, was discontinued in the summer of 2020. Due to the replacement of the chip with the 4th generation of Raspberry pi, the price of components has increased.